
You may have been coveting your neighbour's echinacea a short while back. If so, here is a reminder of just how beautiful they are so you can get some in the ground for next year. I spotted this lot in the RHS trial beds at Wisley last year.

They are great additions to the late season garden and planted in full sun alongside some grasses like Molinea 'Heidebraut', Stipa gigantea or Deschampsia 'Goldtau' you can't go wrong.

Clockwise from top left:- 'Green Envy', 'Matthew Saul', 'Fatal Attraction', 'August Konigin', 'Virgin' and 'Sunset'

Clockwise from top left:- 'Green Envy', 'Matthew Saul', 'Fatal Attraction', 'August Konigin', 'Virgin' and 'Sunset'