An unusual the making

I've been lucky enough to work on many interesting gardens. A recent Lincoln project though has been unusual for the spirit of creative adventure encouraged by the client - busy business people with an artistic instinct....and hands-on gardeners. 'Here's the space. We're not sure what to do with it and we're interested to see what you come up with....oh yes and we love Gaudi'. As canvasses go that really was blank.

Lincoln garden (before 1)



Lincoln garden (before 2)

Sometimes a completely free reign makes life harder - a starting point or a hook helps to narrow down the possibilities. Here though the interesting history of the site provided plenty of inspiration. The house is on the site of a Roman bridge across the river Witham, it used to be a malting's house too, was then a doctors surgery and is now  a craftsmen's workshop. 

Structure to the garden is provided by flowing yew hedges that reflect the river. The sculptural arching dry-stone wall  is an abstraction of the old bridge. Metal railings (designed by the client) allude to the botanics associated with brewing.  Plinths for sculpture (created by the client), mosaics, craftsmanship and curves are all a nod to both the site and to Gaudi. All great fun too!

Ideas. Chat. Mull. Tweak...............Action. There is no getting away from the mud when you make an omelette in winter!

But then Spring arrives........