Thames floating gardens

London is full of surprises but it’s not everyday you stumble across something that blows you away. Last Sunday, on a pleasant, if not particularly eventful, walk along the South Bank from Rotherhithe, there was that something. Gardens…..floating on the rushing wet-sand-coloured water of Old Father Thames, just a stone’s throw from Tower Bridge.

An inconspicuous entrance on Downings Road, led through a converted riverside warehouse to wobbly walkways descending towards the water and a community of barges. The 100 or so inhabitants surely have one of the best seats in the house. An uninterrupted view of one of London’s most iconic landmarks, with the latest additions to the City skyline – the Shard, Guerkin, Microphone and Cheesegrater – beyond.

The real surprise though is the mature gardens that cover the roofs of seven of the barges. The ribbon of foliage conceals plank walkways joining all the dwellings together and the abundant planting includes box hedging, shrubs and flowering perennials. There are even semi- mature trees that provide shade for the occasional hidden seat, and privacy from the overlooking apartments.

The first garden barge was planted in the mid-1990s. Today there are seven. One is part of the walkway back to dry land and four, moored end-to-end parallel to the shore, provide the link for residents to reach their barges - once they have parked their ‘wheels’ on bike barge. The final two extend green arms into the river gently enclosing the little flotilla of homes.

Be sure not to miss the next opening of the Downings Road Floating Gardens on 13/14 June (Open Garden Squares Weekend). It’s a marvel. And be sure to leave time for tea and cake on the ‘ArtsArk’.

For more information visit their website.

Floating gardens