Posts in Gardens
National Treasure

The weekend of the 7th & 8th June was the Festival Weekend of the National Gardens Scheme (NGS) when hundreds of private gardens around the country opened their gates to the public. The opportunity to take a relaxed stroll around nine gardens open in one nearby Lincolnshire village was too much to resist and turned out to be an enjoyable way to spend a sunny afternoon.

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The low down on Highgrove

The forecast spoke of rain so a quick stop in Tetbury to buy an umbrella seemed like a good idea. That proved easier said than done, until Farrow and Ball shades shimmering up ahead signalled the Highgrove shop. Saved surely, but it proved only to be a mirage as we hadn’t budgeted for a £90 umbrella. We were in luck though in the charity shop next door (for the princely sum of £4), but I was left wondering who spends such money on an umbrella.

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